If you want to play a part in shaping the future of Dundee United Football Club and its relationship with fans or how the match day experience develops, you can apply now to become an independent member of the Club's supporter liaison group (SLG).

The opportunity is there for fans from a more diverse section of the support to become an SLG committee member and have their voices heard.

The format sees established supporters' groups offered two positions each on the SLG next to independent supporters. Up to six independent supporters are chosen to join the SLG alongside our permanent independent member, and all positions are reviewed and selected on an annual basis.

To express an interest in becoming involved in the SLG for this coming season, please email Colin.Stewart@dundeeunitedfc.co.uk with a short bio of yourself and tell us why you wish to be involved in the SLG for season 2018/19. Deadline for this will be the 27th of July.

The ideal candidates should have a passion for United and have knowledge and experience of the issues under discussion and it would be advantageous to the SLG if the candidates reflect a cross-section of the Dundee United support regarding gender, age, location and background.

The SLG meets regularly during the season and focuses specifically on the critical issues that fans have raised. Directors and key members of staff at the Club attend meetings to discuss operational rationale.

The SLG provides a platform for discussion and resolution. Critical issues such as ticket availability and pricing, stadium matters, relationships and communication between different supporters' groups, equality and diversity, Club communications, commercial and Club shop products are all open to discussion.

Alongside the regular meetings throughout the season, the Dundee United Chairman, directors and senior officials meet the SLG twice per season at Tannadice to ensure the Board are connected and communicating with our support base.

Dundee United are determined to make sure that all supporters are treated equally; this is the ethos of the continually evolving supporter engagement process.

All United fans are invited to apply for a place on the SLG and supporters can keep track of SLG activity by visiting the Club website where minutes are uploaded within seven days of meetings.