About Package

Advertising at the CalForth Arena at Tannadice Park is an extremely cost-effective way to promote your business to a local and national audience.

In excess of 200,000 spectators will attend matches and, with interest in the Scottish game high, your business will receive mass additional exposure to a worldwide audience on television platforms such as Sky Sports, Premier Sports, BBC, Viaplay and streamed via the web through digital outlets including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, the BBC website and our official Club channel DUTV.


Static Advertising Boards Eddie Thomson Stand
Trackside £2,500 +VAT
Second Row £2,000 +VAT
Mid-tier £1,500 +VAT
George Fox Stand
Trackside £3,000 +VAT
Second Row £2,500 +VAT
Mid-tier £1,500 +VAT
Back of stand £500 +VAT
 Carling Stand
Trackside £2,500 +VAT
Second Row £2,000 +VAT
Fair Play Stand
Static board (in stand) £1,500 +VAT
Jerry Kerr Stand
Trackside £2,000 +VAT
YES Lounge '87 Window £1,500 +VAT
Back of stand banner £2,000 +VAT
External Banners

£3,000 +VAT

Prices are based per season and vary depending on size and the site position it relates to within the Stadium’s television broadcast arc, halfway line, goal and corner areas.

(All prices are subject to VAT)

For more information on advertising opportunities, please email the commercial team at commercial@dundeeunitedfc.co.uk or call 01382 832202. 

Upcoming Fixtures

  • 15:00

    16th March 2025


    CalForth Construction Arena at Tannadice Park

    William Hill Scottish Premiership


    Ticket information tbc

  • 15:00

    12th April 2025

    St Johnstone

    CalForth Construction Arena at Tannadice Park

    William Hill Scottish Premiership


    Ticket information tbc