Dundee United Community Trust is delighted to launch our latest community programme “United against Covid-19.” 

The new project will use technology to deliver many of our regular sessions and activities and allows the Trust to continue to engage the community at this tough time for everyone.

Over the coming days we will launch our programme timetable which will include:

  • Weekly Dundee United themed worksheets that help keep primary aged children focused and engaged

  • Live streamed physical activity sessions

  • Skill challenge videos for you to try in your own time

  • Health and well-being challenges for the full family to enjoy

Dundee United Community Trust would like to extend a sincere thank you for the support we have received to date. 

The project is only possible due to generous grant funding received via a National Lottery award from the National Lottery Community Fund, the Community Response, Recovery and Resilience Fund from Foundation Scotland as well as a generous donation from a long-term anonymous supporter of the Community Trust.















activity booklet 3

Week 1 Activities Booklet - Updated.pdf 

Week 2 Activities Booklet - Updated.pdf 

Week 3 Activity Booklet.pdf