The Dundee United Football Company Limited is a company incorporated in Scotland with Company Number SC013690 and has its registered office at Tannadice Park, Dundee, DD3 7JW (the “club”).


These are the terms and conditions on which the club supplies your Season Ticket valid for the 2025/26 Season (the “season”). Unless terminated earlier as set out below, the Season Ticket will remain valid until the end of the 2025/26 season as set out by the SPFL.

The person named on the Season Ticket will be the ‘holder’ and each Season Ticket is valid for entry to Tannadice Park (the “stadium”) by the holder. These terms also apply to the holder and if you are not the holder, you must provide a copy of these terms to the holder.

1. General
The Season Ticket is for the use of the holder only. Re-sale or transfer of the Season Ticket is prohibited without the consent of the club. If there is a breach of this condition, the club may cancel the Season Ticket and retain any money initially paid for it, to the extent needed to pay for costs and losses suffered as a result of unauthorised re-sale or cancellation.
Each Season Ticket is valid for entry to the stadium for league matches only.
Season Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded after purchase unless within the 14-day cooling-off period.
The holder may cancel the contract at any time within 14 days from the date on which the contract is entered into (the “cancellation period”). After the cancellation period has expired, you will not be able to end the contract and will be committed to the Season Ticket for the full duration of the season unless the club has unreasonably failed to deliver the services.

2. Entry to Stadium
The holder will not be admitted to the stadium without possession of the Season Ticket.
Entry to the stadium is subject to the holder’s acceptance of the club’s ground regulations, which are exhibited at the stadium and published on the club website at
The Season Ticket is not valid for any events at the stadium other than the football matches specified.
The club may refuse the holder admission to the stadium, with reasonable cause.
The club may, at its absolute discretion, relocate the holder to an alternative seat or part of the stadium for any match. The exercise of this right includes, but is not limited to, the following situations:

  • If the club is required under the rules of a competition, or otherwise, to provide seating for use by or for the competition organiser and/or visiting team.
  • If the section of the stadium in which the holder’s seat is located has been closed or is unavailable for safety, security, refurbishment, alteration or other operational reasons. Reasonable efforts will be made by the club to provide a comparable seat.

Re-admission to a match will not be permitted once you have left the stadium.
No food, alcohol or illegal substance is permitted to be taken inside the stadium.
We reserve the right to search all persons and personal property and to refuse admission to, or eject from, the venue, any person who refuses to be searched by a steward or other person acting on the club’s behalf.

3. Conduct Terms
Holders of Season Tickets are deemed to be ambassadors for the club and its supporters. Holders are required to conduct themselves in a manner befitting this status when travelling to and attending any club match during the season.
Drunkenness; foul, insulting, offensive or abusive language or behaviour; discrimination relating to age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation; discriminatory or sectarian behaviour, including remarks, songs, chants, banners or displays; and the promotion or endorsement of any political organisation is not permitted within the stadium, on the club’s property, or at any matches involving the club.
Holders must comply with all relevant laws, safety announcements and stadium ground regulations while attending any club match, including rules relating to smoking and the use of smoke and/or incendiary devices.
Unauthorised professional photography or any type of recording of a match is prohibited. Zoom lenses, and audiovisual or cinematographic devices will not be permitted in the stadium.

4. Breach of Conduct Terms 
If you breach any of the Conduct Terms, the ground regulations, the SFA and SPFL Unacceptable Conduct rules, or if you or the holder commit any criminal offence while at any match involving the club, the club may take action.
No refund or compensation will be paid to you if a Season Ticket has been temporarily deactivated or cancelled due to a serious breach that has resulted in disciplinary action against the club by the football authorities or a loss to, or liability on the part of, the club. In all other instances, refunds will be dependent upon the losses suffered by the club as a result of the behaviour leading to confiscation or cancellation.

5. Holder Liability
You shall be liable for, and may be subject to legal action by the club for recovery of, any fines, losses, penalties, liabilities or damages suffered or incurred by the club (including disciplinary action by any football governing body) as a direct or indirect result of your conduct or behaviour (or that of any third party to whom the holder has provided his or her ticket, with or without the club’s consent) at any match involving the club.

6. Individuals Under 16
Season Tickets may only be purchased, either in person or online, by those aged 16 or over.
If the holder is under the age of 16, the holder’s parent(s), guardian(s), or the individual making payment for the Season Ticket shall also be responsible for the holder’s actions, conduct and compliance with these terms. Where appropriate, references in these terms to ‘the holder’ shall be deemed to include the individual specified in the order as having parental responsibility for the holder.
Children under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by an over 16.
The club reserves the right to refuse access to certain seating areas within the stadium for children under the age of 2 in compliance with the club’s health and safety policy.

7. Changes to Dates and Times
All match dates and times are subject to change. The club may from time to time be required to change dates and times of matches for reasons such as health and safety, the impact of other competitions, and live TV scheduling.

8. Resale of Tickets
Season Tickets may not be resold, traded or offered for sale, and may not be used as a prize or for any other promotional or trade purpose by any person or organisation without the consent of the club. Each ticket carries an individual security QR code. Sale or attempted sale is grounds for seizure or cancellation, and those trying to use resold or cancelled tickets will be refused entry into the venue.

9. Damaged or Lost Season Ticket
It is the holder’s responsibility to take care of the Season Ticket to prevent any damage. The club is not obliged to replace the Season Ticket if it is lost, misplaced, stolen or damaged. Lost or stolen Season Tickets must be reported to the club as soon as reasonably practicable. The club may, at its discretion, and only upon receipt of satisfactory evidence, issue a duplicate Season Ticket on payment by you or the holder of a non-refundable administration and replacement fee of £10 to cover the club’s costs in issuing such tickets.

10. Finance Options
Season Tickets may be purchased under a payment plan with the club’s nominated finance partner (as appointed from time to time). Any Season Tickets purchased via the club’s finance partner will be subject to additional terms and conditions of the finance partner’s scheme.
If the Season Ticket has been purchased by instalment payments payable in the first instance to the finance partner, the Season Ticket cannot be used while any instalment is overdue. Attempted use in such circumstances may lead to confiscation or deactivation until outstanding amounts (including any administrative charges) are paid.
If outstanding sums are not paid within a reasonable period, the club may terminate the instalment arrangement and either require the remainder of the sums due to be paid or terminate this agreement and seek to sell the Season Ticket to a third party for the remainder of the season. The holder may be subject to legal action by the club to recover any losses incurred if the club is unable to resell the Season Ticket.
Please note that failure to keep up with instalment payments may affect the holder’s rights to purchase tickets for home and away matches, and the holder’s ability to renew the Season Ticket or pay by instalments in the future.
The Dundee United Football Company Limited acts as an Introducer Appointed Representative, registration number 741999, and will introduce you to V12 Retail Finance Limited to complete your finance application. Subject to age and status – minimum spend applies. Terms and conditions apply.
The Dundee United Football Company Limited, SC013690, Tannadice Park, Dundee, DD3 7JW.
Not all products provided by V12 Retail Finance are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Secure Trust Bank PLC. Registered in England and Wales (Company No. 541132). Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority.
V12 Retail Finance is offering a repayment plan to pay for your 2025/26 Season Ticket:

  • The 4-month repayment plan interest rate is 0% APR, meaning you pay interest of 0.00% and there is no arrangement fee.
  • The 6-month repayment plan interest rate is 0% APR, meaning you pay interest of 0.00%, and there is an arrangement fee of 8.3%.
  • The 10-month repayment plan interest rate is 0% APR, meaning you pay interest of 0.00%, and there is an arrangement fee of 11.01%.

Representative Example:
• Season Ticket Price: £380.00
• First Repayment Instalment: £95.00
• Subsequent Repayment Instalments: £95.00
• Number of Payments: 4
• Payment Frequency: Monthly
• Total Amount Payable: £380.00
Applicants for finance must be over 18. The lender will carry out checks with credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies.
When you click ‘Continue’ you will be taken to the V12 Retail Finance application form to complete your finance application.
The application form may contain some personal information you have previously provided. Please check that this information is accurate and fill in any missing details.
You will also need to provide:

  • 3 years’ address history
  • Employment and income information
  • Your bank account number and sort code


You must complete your season ticket application, regardless of how you pay, within 90 minutes.

If paying by finance, you will usually receive an immediate decision. Occasionally V12 will need to review your application in more detail.

11. Student and Ambulant/ Disabled Tickets

The club offers discounted Season Tickets for full-time students in higher education and for disabled persons who meet specific criteria as outlined under clause 11 (c) below.

(b) To qualify for a Student Season Ticket, the holder must be in full-time higher education and provide documentary evidence of your status in the form of a letter confirming your place at a higher education institution for the duration of the season in question. Failure to provide such evidence by July 15th of the relevant year, or within 21 days of purchasing your Season Ticket if your Season Ticket was bought after July 15th, will result in your Season Ticket being deactivated until you provide such evidence. 

(c) To qualify for a discounted Season Ticket for disabled persons, you must receive the higher rate mobility or care component of either Adult/Child Disability Payment Scotland and provide evidence in the form of a letter no later than July 15th of the relevant year. Failure to provide such evidence by July 15th of the relevant year, or within 21 days of purchasing your Season Ticket if bought after July 15th, will result in your Season Ticket being deactivated until you provide such evidence.

Please note that if you fail to continue to provide the qualifying evidence as noted in Clauses 11(b) and (c) above, and certainly within 28 days of a final request communication, your Season Ticket may be sold to another customer.

12. Data Protection

The club is a data controller in respect of personal data submitted by you and the holder. The club will hold and process personal data for legal and administrative purposes (including sending you service messages and sharing benefits related to your ticket purchase) and, where permitted, for marketing purposes. We may also analyse the information provided to help improve our services, tailor products and personalise content. The personal data provided to the club shall be processed, stored and transferred in accordance with all applicable data privacy laws and the terms of the club’s privacy policy.